Only $5.00 is required to open your Business Savings Account and maintain membership privileges to participate in other savings products, loans or services available to First Service members.
- $5.00 minimum opening deposit
- Dividends accrue on a daily balance method and are credited quarterly on balances greater than $5
- Free e-Statements
- Direct Deposit Available
- Merchant Services Available to help your business grow
- All deposits are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the United States Government. IRA accounts are insured up to an additional $250,000.
Your Insured Funds
For additional information on account insurance coverage, please call First Service at (614) 836-0100, the NCUA Insurance Call Center at 1-800-755-1030, ext. 1 or view the NCUA website.
For additional information on account insurance coverage, please call First Service at (614) 836-0100, the NCUA Insurance Call Center at 1-800-755-1030, ext. 1 or view the NCUA website.
A minimum balance fee of $5.00 is charged any month a Share Savings Account balance falls below $5.
Savings Transaction Limitation Fees: An Excessive Withdrawal Fee of $3 is charged for each Share/Savings Account withdrawal that exceeds six (6) transactions, including transfers, per month.
Prohibition Against Unlawful Internet Gambling: Federal law, the Unlawful Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, and implementing regulations prohibit commercial customers (members) from receiving deposits or other credits of any kind relating to their operation of an illegal Internet gambling business. First Service Federal Credit Union is required to enforce this prohibition.