Enjoy the Flexibility of a Money Market Account. This account provides our members the opportunity to earn market rates on their money with no dividend penalties for early withdrawal.
- Minimum balance of only $2,500
- Account automatically steps up to higher rates with balances of $10,000 or greater
- No fixed investment period
- Rates adjusted weekly with market trends
- Earnings are credited monthly
- Minimum balance fee of $5.00 is charged any month a Money Market Account balance falls below $2,500.
- All deposits are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the United States Government. IRA accounts are insured up to an additional $250,000.
Savings Transaction Limitation Fees: As a reminder to our members, a federal law known as Regulation D requires that all financial institutions, including your credit union, limit certain withdrawals from Share and Savings Accounts, including Money Market Accounts. This law allows members to conduct up to six withdrawals (including transfers) from these accounts per month. Your credit union is required to set limits on accounts to stay within this policy. An Excessive Withdrawal Fee of $3 is charged for each Share/Savings Account withdrawal that exceeds six (6) transactions, including transfers, per month.
Savings Transaction Limitation Fees: An Excessive Withdrawal Fee of $3 is charged for each Share/Savings Account withdrawal that exceeds six (6) transactions, including transfers, per month.